October 26th, 2021

Mark your calendars now26/10/2021 03:00 PM26/10/2021 06:00 PM Asia/Dhaka Degree Awarding Ceremony Hosted by IUB IUB false MM/DD/YYYY


Participate from wherever you are


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

3:00 PM

Guests take their seats

3:20 PM

Convocation Procession Starts

3:28 PM

Arrival/Appearance of the Representative of the Chancellor

3:30 PM

National Anthem

3:31 PM

Recitation from the Holy Scriptures

3:36 PM

Hon'ble Minister for Education declares the 21st and 22nd Convocation open

3:37 PM

Address by Tanweer Hasan, PhD

Vice Chancellor, Independent University, Bangladesh

3:40 PM

Address by Mr. A Matin Chowdhury

Chairman, Board of Trustees, Independent University, Bangladesh

3:43 PM

Address by Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah

Chairman, Education, Science, Technology and Cultural Development Trust

3:46 PM

Address by Mr. Syed Manzur Elahi

Convocation Speaker

3:54 PM

Address by Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah

Chairmen, University Grants Comission of Bangladesh

3:57 PM

Presentation of the Candidates for Conferment of Degrees

4:03 PM

Recognition of Student for Excellence

4:05 PM

Presentation of the Candidates for Gold Medal

4:07 PM

Speech by the Valedictorian

4:09 PM

Speech by the Alumnus

4:11 PM

Alma Mater by the IUB Choir

4:14 PM

Address by Dr. Dipu Moni, MP

Hon'ble Minister, Ministory of Education, Government of the People'sRepublic of Bangladesh

4:19 PM

Vote of Thanks by Professor Niaz Ahmed Khan, PhD

Pro-Vice Chancellor, Independent University, Bnagladesh

4:21 PM

Hon'ble Minister for Education declares the 21st and 22nd Convocation Closed

4:22 PM

National Anthem

Frequently Asked Questions

Amidst covid situations, all medal winners can join the ceremony in face-to-face mode from campus. Rest of the graduands are required to join in online mode.
You will need a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone with speakers to participate. Webcam and microphone is needed for this event. Please find below the platform link to register as a graduand using your (University student email ID).

The link for registration is

Once you register on the platform you will get a welcome email for guiding further process.
The 21st Convocation ceremony, which is scheduled on 26th October 2021 at 3.00 PM, shall be conducted in online mode which students will be able to connect with batch mates, faculty, and staff, share experience, click pictures, and create memories through our dynamic online platform specially being deployed for the purpose.
  • Program Schedule: 21st Convocation
  • Date: Tuesday, 26th October, 2021
  • Reporting Time: 2.30 PM
  • Venue: Online Mode (Except for Medal Winners)
The Platform provides a video-call and chat feature that all participants can use. The event will also be streamed live as well.
Yes, the event will be available on IUB Facebook page and YouTube. The selfie and other photographs will also be available on the Vfair platform for download for a week from the day of event.
All regular program graduands should contact Ms. Mona Rahman, Deputy Registrar, Registrar’s Office at
Degree and Certificates will have to be collected by the student himself/ herself from IUB at a later informed date.
You will need to collect the formal convocation gown form IUB, which you will wear on top of your formal/ semi formal attire. This will help you to click customized selfies with props etc. which will remain as a memory for life.
Students participating in the Virtual Graduation Celebration must comply with the IUB’s Student Conduct Code. All images and messages uploaded to the celebration website will be reviewed by administrators. Messages and images that are found to be offensive or against the code of conduct will be removed, and a conduct officer may get involved.